notes from Team Nisreen

so, mudarreb is not equal to mdarreb. The former is a borrowing from fus7a, the noun for “trainer” (i.e. physical trainer, profession), and the latter is AP: having trained. They aren’t interchangeable.

That was useful.

Also, let’s see what else i recall from p 58.


AP for ktb:

when female, does the taa marbutta untie? good question. Let’s ask a broader question: how to female APs work?

Egyptian/southern levantine may have NO taa marbutta, instead an alif! hiyya kaatbaaha (she’s written it[f])

Then the more normal (imo) & Northern Shaami way works differently depending on if attached object pronoun or sep. direct object.

attached obj pronoun:   hiyya kaatbeta
separate d.o.: hiyya kaatbe r-risaale

And another nice note they put in there is that hiyya kaatbet ar-risaale would indicate we mean the true professional noun “author” instead of “having written” AP.   Not quite the same thing!


3iryaan naked

amish – walk (imp)

as-sha7da – begging

sabagni – he got a head start on me, is ahead of me,

3afa – he forgave

ma salaf- what’s in the past

musaami7 – a tolerant person

marfa3 – hyena (not Daba3??)

good excerpts from Team Nisreen doc

A few other forms are used with imperative meaning that are not full verbal paradigms (or not verbs at all): مكانك makaanak (makaanik etc) – ‘stop where you are’ ايدك iidak (iidik etc) – ‘put that down!’


the -esh double negation, the suffix thing, is Jord/Pal   not Syria/Leb , generally.

say mestanniik insead of mestannaak, apparently. Can i explain grammatically? hm.. No i cannot. yestanna. Wait, is it waiting for a woman? no then itd be mestanniiki.

naaTer = I’m waiting for (or anyone is waiting for) – Active participle.

di’nak Tuulaan – your beard has gotten longer (is longer)


maa ba3ref shebani
I don’t know what’s wrong with me

woah i would have thought “sho biyyi” or “sho bi”   .. i know some dialects “shbo” is with him. confusing stuff a little.

Going through the team maha document is going wel, so far I’m on page 48 of 168. And sudanese book: 42 of 204.

more team maha notes

دفعة a payment daf3a

“double object construction”
his friend to Majiid (to him, that is).
rafii’o la-majiid
akhuwwa la-nisriin. = nisreen’s brother, but redundantly so.

“eesh” is largely southern levantine

Oh really! So shuu is more versatile,, more universal.

anu ani ‘which’
Anu and ani are originally (and in some dialects) masculine and feminine, but in Damascene are used freely for both genders. Whilst eyy can be used to mean ‘any’, anu/ani can only be used to mean ‘which’.
wow!!! I never had heard of these words tbh.

أي واحد بدك = اني واحد بدك؟

notice: 3am te7ki not 3am bte7ki

so ئديش usually means “how much” even though it CAN also mean how many, how long etc.

“Note that قديش is also the normal, idiomatic way of requesting any answer which contains a number, even in cases where in English we usually use ‘what’: قديش مواليدك؟ 2addeesh mawaaliidak? what year were you born in [= what number is your birth year]? قديش رقم تليفونك؟ 2addeesh ra2@m telefoonak? what’s your phone number?”

Another great note.
So its not as natural to say shuu ra’m talfoonak.
And mawaliid = birth year, aparently! It looks like a plural form tho. odd.

la’eemta ra7 @nDell heek?
how long are we gonna stay like this?

wala ‘a7la men heek
There’s nothing nicer than this!

بالمناسبة من هيك بيتغالظ byetghaalaZ
and by the way – who else is rude like this?

ma3 heek = ma3 zalika

بحاجة may be a more c ommon/normal thing than the conjugated form VIII verb
needing sth.
مين بحاجة هيك شي؟
“who needs such a thing?”

فرد is the iraqi verison of شي as an indefinite article , i think, right? not sure.

مين doesn’t have to be in a question. But these are uncommon.
عندي مين يساعدني “i have some ppl who can help me”

NOUNS section of his pdf:
dabbaabe tank

gun fard – guns fruude

two synonymous negations:
maali raaye7  – i aint goin
maano maZbuuT – its not right

raaso guwwi – sudani dialect for someone who’s hard headed. i THINK. pretty sure it’s not = smart.

شوي حامي a little bit hot (temperature)

jiddan is “fancier” than ktiir . yeah i kinda knew that

the craziest one = اكثر واحد مجنون. interesting!

قنينة ‘aniine – bottle

مالي  \ ماني “I am not” . a “sort of verbal” structure for the negative to be , like fus7a ليس i guess. not just for  AP, also other adjectives.

now onto the sudani book:)

ki – notes on Team maha

It IS an object pronoun (fem) at times, in shaami.

byensaaki, per Chris @ team maha. notice that the alif denied the use of ik. So ki instead. nice!

Daarbo: I’ve hit it

Darabto la’ilo can be used ,, redundantly, for emphasis.

notice this long vowel shortening:ykuun-lak  turns to yken-lak . Triggered by lak.. is that lak counting as “epenthetic” or wtf is epenthetic honestly?

انا بجبلك الها صورة i’ll bring you a pic of her.
Notice of her is in arabic , “to her” or “for her” or sth. weird.

متل اللي ميلتلو اخ was probably first مثل اللي مايت له اخ
and the alif bye!
like someone whose brother has died

bZennellak____ I think . Don’t translate that for you, often.

انا هون ناطرك i’m here waiting for you